Myers-Davis Life Coaching is a vendor for the Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) program offered through Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS). The program allows Myers-Davis Life Coaching to partner with high schools to offer School-To-Work Study Classes to sophomores, juniors, and seniors with any type of disability.
Program Details:
The Pre-Employment Transitions Services (Pre-ETS) is a 3 Year Program for Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors in High School operated through Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS). It is a class-based program focusing on Career to Work education. Students receive Class Credit toward Graduation for taking the class. Classes are taken during school hours, every-day during the school week, for 1 or 2 class periods based on each high school’s needs.
- 504 Plan; or
- Individualized Education Program (IEP); or
- Documented medical diagnosis, such as diabetes, anxiety, depression, ADHD, Crohn’s disease, or any diagnosis that may hinder the student.
Summer Program is also available!
The School-to-Work Study class offers students life skills, communication skills, job skills, job exploration, job training, career interests, personality assessments, coping skills, transitioning from high school into the workforce/trade school/college, and so much more. There are Five Core Studies through the Department of Education for Transition Services:
- Job Exploration
- Work-Based Learning
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Educational Programs
- Work Readiness Training
- Self-Advocacy
Student Jobs:
As part of the curriculum for the program, the Myers-Davis Educators & Job Coaches will assist the students in finding jobs to match their abilities and interests within the school system. And if certain jobs are available outside the school system and in the students’ community, job coaches will assist the student in training and applying for those jobs. Students will be paid the current minimum wage rate thru Myers-Davis Life Coaching. Participation in paid work-based learning activities will not affect SSI/SSDI benefits when reported properly. Myers-Davis will assist you in reporting income to Social Security.
If you have questions, please contact us here.