Think of it this way . . .    

Has there ever been a time(s) in your life when you’ve felt so put-upon by circumstances and/or people that it has caused you some degree of consternation? May I remind you that you can very well benefit from being disciplined by various trials (see James 1:2f).

There’s a kind of enduring found in persevering toward a special, worthy goal. Persisting and managing to “hang in there” describes someone bent on accomplishing noteworthy things for the betterment of others. Peter, the little hero of Holland, who stopped the water from breaking through the dike is an example. There is another kind of enduring that bears patience in face of suffering — to withstand and bear the pain from others’ provocation or injustice (perceived or real).

          “For examples of patience in suffering…look at the prophets who

           spoke in the name of the Lord. We give great honor to those who

           endure under suffering…you know about Job, a man of great en-

           durance. You see how the Lord was kind to him at the end.” (James 5:10-11)

James Moffat suggests that “patient endurance can sustain itself on the conviction that hardships are not meaningless, but that God has some end or purpose in them which He will accomplish.” Be that as it may, I firmly believe that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose forthem.” (Rom. 8:28, NLT) I also believe that people are created so as to be able to adjust to almost any situation challenging their will to survive and strive for a decent quality of life. Kay Kendall states, “There is no limit to your endurance.” Hang on to the Best and you’ll be blessed! 

“Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones, and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace, God is awake.”                                               -Victor Hugo

-John D.

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