What On Earth Are You Doing For Heaven’s Sake?

In the beginning God created everything, creating man (Adam) last. The Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), wisest and most powerful force of all eternity, made us to be like Them! Since the greatest Artist of time and eternity created us to be like them, we can readily understand and accept our innate ability. That is to also be creative (to a lesser degree, of course – due to our finite nature).

Just so, it’s easy to understand Adam being a mature, intelligent person able to communicate with God (in a language both understood). It’s also for him to ably care for the garden, give names to all the beasts and birds, and to raise sons/grandsons to be knowledgeable ranchers, farmers, tentmakers, builders of cities, and experts in forging tools of bronze and iron (see Genesis chapters 1-4). God gives all of us humans the innate ability to be creative and to “take care of business” (to wisely use it and not abuse it).

     Enhancing one’s creative ability involves adopting God-instilled strategies that encourage open-mindedness, curiosity, and a willingness to take risks with a positive and healthy attitude. An effective way to do this is to view challenges as opportunities for learning, to be involved in diverse experiences, and to be exposed to different cultures, new ideas, as well as to other’s perspectives. Taking advantage of traveling, reading widely, or learning new skills outside one’s field of inherent expertise can also stimulate new connections and insights. Thus, due to our human limitations and bad choices, by expanding our creativeness we can become worthwhile contributors to mankind’s progressive improvements and enhance our good influence with others.

     There once lived a most creative and noble woman of whom God said, “She sets about her work vigorously…clothed with strength and dignity…and speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction…Give her the reward she has earned” (Prov. 31:10ff).

     May we also influence and help others by the way we create good to honor God.

-John Driggers, Spiritual Advisor for Myers-Davis (1/27/2025, V7#4)

To read other content drafted by John Driggers, please check out our Life Guides webpage here: https://www.myersdavis.com/think-of-it-this-way/

It only makes sense for us to be creative since our Creator was creative when He made us. But what should we do with that creativity?

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