What, Me Worry?

Back in the late 1960’s, there was far-fetched hoopla published about the “Population Explosion” with scary predictions of over-crowding and massive famines by the 1980’s. Figuring that people might die of starvation, many bought into the fears and worries of that bad news. Then, thirty years ago, Time Magazine was alerting us to all the stories about “The Coming Ice Age” along with the threat of world domination by Communism. Longer than the panic of any of those predictions, is the dread of the atomic bomb and World War III. This has even little children so upset they can’t sleep, much less go play outside.

     Didn’t God say, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth?” Evidently there’s still room for more of us on this relatively young planet. Communism’s on the wane, the ice is melting, (so, now, the scare is global warming!). Mass media, with all their dooms-day speculations and scary warnings and predictions, are seldom correct (as we have seen). So don’t let all the hype of dooms-day news articles about Korean missile attacks, terrorist threats, and medically-resistant viruses raise your blood pressure. Thirty years hence, we’ll look back at the tabloids, along with Gayle King’s hate-filled put-downs and Stephen Colbert’s snide remarks. We’ll shake our head at what once may have scared us and/or made us so angry.

     What really arouses my ire is the mean-spirited, underhanded politician and arrogant leaders who think they can beat the game and go about their skullduggery with selfish and unabashed determination, causing and allowing all kinds of havoc in a normally stable social climate. (Boy, that felt good.) What to do: stay calm, pay your taxes, pray about it, obey the law, and vote. Only God knows the future and He’s still in charge. “Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” (1 Cor. 2:5, NKJV)

-John Driggers, Spiritual Advisor for Myers-Davis Life Coaching (7/22/24, V6 #30)

To read other content drafted by John Driggers, please check out our Life Guides webpage here: Think of it this way – Myers-Davis Life Coaching (myersdavis.com)

Join our Spiritual Advisor as he explores the worry surrounding the mass media doomsday speculations and offers guidance on how you should react to it.

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