Think of it this way . . .     

 Do you remember this from kindergarten or first grade?

          “The more we get together, together, together

           The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

          ’Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.”

Who would ever want to forget all those good times when we got together with special friends to enjoy the warm fellowship on special occasions? I agree with Izaak Walton, that “good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.” There is a strengthening from a cordial, social intercourse with those we are fond of and look forward to associating with.

“Birds-of-a-feather” who share a view of life and principled values will benefit from each other’s influence, encouragement and the availability of accountability. Poet and author, Kassandra Monteg, writes, “My most vibrant memories don’t come from big events or even impressive accomplishments. They come from simple, quiet chores done in the company of a loved one.” Mario Batali says it like this, “My last meal? The food would be much less significant than the company.”

Living to be eighty, I often find myself, of late, wondering about many of my friends from long ago – where they are, what they look like, how they’re doing, and if we might still find pleasure in one another’s company? Remember Paul Anka’s pop hit, “The Times of Your Life,” in 1975? Here’s the first and last stanzas:

Good morning, yesterday

You wake up and time has slipped away

And suddenly it’s hard to find the memories you left behind

Remember, do you remember?

Here comes the setting sun

The seasons are passing one by one

So gather moments while you may

Collect the dreams you dream today

Remember, will you remember

The times of your life?

-John D. 

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