People of Strong Character Welcome a Challenge

People of Strong Character Welcome a Challenge

Think of it this way . . .

     There’s something to be said for the opposing forces in our lives – the pesky problems and hinderances that we dread and often detest. And it’s found in this from the author, Edmund Burke: “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skills, [and, in this case] our antagonist is our helper.” So, this kind of challenge offers the opportunity to hone one’s skills and readiness for future snags that would impede our progress in reaching our goals in life. Too, we know that one doesn’t sharpen a blade on velvet cloth, but on a rough whetstone. It’s aptly expressed and explained this way in the Bible: “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (Prov 27:17, NLT)

   “The discipline of school (formally or life experience -JD) is invaluable in    teaching the important lesson of self-control. Self-denial and self-control are the necessary postulates of all moral excellence. A man who will take the world easily will never take it grandly. To lie in the lap of luxury may be the highest enjoyment of what a feeble character it capable; but a strong man must have something difficult to do.” – Prof. T. S. Blackie

    “A man needs a place of meaning to himself and his family…. I felt I had to get out on the mountain, take risks, get really tired. Alone on the mountain I was myself.” – Levi Smith, Life Mag., 11-25-1966

     I love that. Wish I could have said that and experienced it. I think I’ve tried to do that in my own way (just wasn’t on a mountain, maybe later). Jesus, of course, is the perfect example. He said, “‘Father, I brought glory to You by completing the work You gave Me to do’…Jesus knew that His mission was now finished.” (Jn. 17:4; 19:28). Also, in Scripture, this from James: “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.” (1:12, ESV). So, with every challenge, I’ll entrust myself to God’s guiding and become stronger!

-John D.

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