It’s All About Timing

      What time is it? Too early? Too late? Does anyone really know what time it is? Does anyone really care? If we live long enough to make a lot of pretty good memories and then stop and think, we may realize that time seems to pass more quickly than it used to. “These times, they are a’ changing” and challenging. Since time is money, as they say, are you as frugal with your time as you are with your money? Do you use your time wisely and not fritter it away?

     Time and timing are important. We understand the value of making the most of our time because we never know when something may happen, nor when ‘our time’ may come. “Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come, so people are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them” (Eccl. 9:12, NIV). We may know that a stitch in time saves nine, but do we know that making appointments with people becomes a debt and that we have no right to throw away the other person’s time…even if we do throw away our own. So, yes, we should care what time it is, and the value of it.

     We can all agree that time wasted is time lost. C. K. Lawton put it this way: “hours lost in idleness can never be brought back and used in gainful pursuit.” An old hymn goes: “Time is filled with swift transition.” In time, things change that cannot be changed back. As much as we may wish it, we can’t go back in time to change a thing; so why waste time wanting to go back there? The Bible tells us that “the days of our years are threescore and ten” and it also urges us to mature and move forward, concentrating on the here and now to ensure a profitable and secure future for when time is no more.

       “Make the most of the time we have…make the most of every opportunity.”  (Ephesians 5:16; Colossians 4:5)

-John Driggers (3/4/2024, V6 #10)

Since time is money, as they say, are you as frugal with your time as you are with your money? Do you use your time wisely and not fritter it away?

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