Think of it this way . . . 

Those who have lost confidence in themselves are lost altogether. What a miserable condition. On the other hand, if you have a healthy confidence in your-self – if you’re sure of your ability to perform, then you’ll be able to muster the courage it takes to venture forth in almost any endeavor and be successful.

You’ve heard that “God doesn’t make junk.” Proof? Just look around at all the people out there with so many talents, abilities and skills. I believe that everyone can, with time and experience, come up with a whole bunch of skills and become expert in at least one or two, or more!

The feeling of inferiority has the power to oppress, suppress and depress. Thank goodness no one is actually born with an inferiority complex, but it is something one may acquire. Therefore, it’s also something anyone may overcome and be rid of. Dr. Murray Banks, in his book, “How to Live with Yourself,” recommends the following miraculous personality makeover:

1. Accept yourself as a bundle of possibilities – refuse to feel sorry for yourself and determine to make the most of what you may offer.

2. Attitude makes a difference between success and failure – have a strong purpose and know what you want to be and do.

3. Learn why you feel inferior – insight/understanding is the first step to better living.

4. Develop a realistic sense of values – be honest; you have abilities (hidden talents), learn about your weaknesses and determine how to overcome them.

5. Accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative – correct the defects and emphasize your good points.

6. Become expert in at least one thing – the confidence will do wonders for you. Success breeds success.

7. Become acquainted with others – the best way to overcome preoccupation with self is to become sincerely interested in other individuals.

 So, I may not be that funny, or athletic or good looking or smart or talented. I forget where I was going with that. Anyway…

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” -Henry David Thoreau

-John D.  

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