Think of it this way . . .

          We may sometime experience a debilitating period of depression with feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem; times when we may spiral down into a dark mood of melancholy and self-pity. When this happens, whatcha gonna do? Who ya gonna call? The “Broody Blues Busters,” that’s who! And, remarkably, these “Blues-Busters” are readily available in our own arsenal of tools. Thus, we then need to know how to use these tools by determining how to respond to all the events and circumstances of our lives. That’s the quandary, though, isn’t it?

                                                                         I’ve got worries and I’ve got woes.

                                                                     I’m looking for yeses, but I only get nos.

                                                                      I think I’m more right than I am wrong;

                                                                        But I come up short instead of long.

          It’s hard, though, to be enthusiastic when you’re feeling down and dejected. Consider this advice from one who learned how to use her tools – an experienced “Blues-Buster,” Helen Keller: “Your success and happiness lies within you. Resolve to keep happy, and you and your inner joy shall form an invincible host against disheartening difficulties.”

Easy for her to say? Not really, it worked. And I believe she would agree that, often enough, you may have to “fake-it-’til-you-make-it.”

Consider this from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Every great and commanding moment in the annals of the world is the triumph of some enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.”

          Now, may we add, it’s not unbridled enthusiasm, but a disciplined enthusiasm that we’re suggesting. Think about it. Discipline has to do with learning. Learning has to do with education and being educated gives evidence through our creative and productive skills. Enthusiasm is good for moving things forward but needs discipline to guide it in the best direction.

-John D.

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