Think of this way . . .                                        

          I’ve heard others say something like: “Oh, we’ll make it if we don’t weaken, but who wants to be strong?” Well, I’m pretty sure that most of us want to at least come across to others as calm, cool and collected in a demeanor of principled strength and moral character. Why would anyone want to appear as weak or insipid; that’s a terrible, unacceptable condition. Since I am referring mostly to moral stamina here, I cannot imagine a more miserable feeling than trying to put on an air of moral strength and upright character when in truth one is full of self-doubt and vicious thoughts.

          Given enough time, our behavior will, in one way or another, reveal our attitudes and beliefs. “What you harbor in your heart, you will wear on your face.” “Truth will win out,” So will deeply-held convictions, whether based on truth or error. “Actions speak louder than words.” “Birds of a feather will flock together,” “Evil companions will corrupt good morals,” etc. Free peoples can escape being mastered by others only by being able to master themselves, Theodore Roosevelt said.

          Therefore, honesty really is the best policy. Because then you never have to worry again about how you’re going to come across to others. It will always be in the same good manner. May we strive to possess a morally righteous heart that it might always be said of us: “Yours is a thoroughbred heart; you don’t scream and cry every time it’s pinched.” – George Bernard Shaw

          If you’ll make sure that you are influenced and trained by all that is right and good. Then, as you plant yourself firmly on your enlightened instincts, you may go confidently to meet the day with its challenges. The world is bound to come ‘round to you and you will be a blessing to this world. (Don’t worry about your reward. It’ll be waiting for you in heaven.)

-John D.

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