Brianna "Bri" Morgan

Ms. Brianna “Bri” Morgan is a former Pre-ETS student from a high school who got blessed with the opportunity to work at Myers-Davis as a full-time employee, and she’s been working there since January of 2022… along with that, she’s diagnosed with ASD, A.D.D. and Anxiety Disorder and sometimes those disabilities can be a challenge, but she’s used to the ideaIn late October of 2024, she got an amazing opportunity to do run for a Kiwanis Club called “Aktion Club”, which is a club for adults with disabilities.  In her spare time, Ms. Bri likes to watch TV/shows/movies, go shopping, eat some good food, cook some food, spending time with her familyshe did have a cat, but sadly he passed away due to terminal illness, and finally… take a nap or few.  She also strongly admires being a mentor for folks with disabilities, and she adores her current run for Aktion Club’s President in Batesville, along with appreciating her job as an Office Assistant. 

“The worst thing in life is not to end up all alone.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.”    – [the late] Robin Williams (1951 – 2014)

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