Our Mission
Overall Mission
Our Overall Mission is to offer support and inspiration by building authentic relationships. Everything begins with a relationship for us. If we don’t know you, we can’t serve you to best of our abilities.
Life Coaching Mission Statement
Myers-Davis Life Coaching strives to transform lives by allowing people to see the potential they have within for being more than what they presently are. It matters not where you are on the journey of life—just beginning, in the middle, or later years—there is always the potential to reach higher. That’s what we do, assist people in reaching higher, from wherever they are, so their dreams will be fulfilled.
Disabilities Division Mission Statement
To provide and coordinate educational training, programs, direction and support services for individuals with disabilities and their families. Our goal is to provide quality services that range from home community-based support, adult day services, workforce advocacy/training, and secondary school-based life skills/vocational readiness. It is our passion to empower, foster independence, and promote achievement of career and education so that those with disabilities may live more productive, independent lives.