Tips on Conflict Resolution

Conflict in the workplace or in the home can be the source for serious stress and anxiety.  Dealing with conflict can be a tricky situation for both sides of the disagreement.  Determining the best course of action can also be extremely challenging.  Below are some tips to help you through the conflict resolution process.

Take a Moment

When you are feeling bent out of shape about a comment or a certain behavior, take a moment to see if it really was out of line.  Was a mistake really made and was there a true violation to work standards?  Maybe they just insulted you personally, due to a sensitivity you may have with a given subject matter.  Leaders must determine appropriate workplace behavior and you must take a stand one way or another.  The decisions you make can set a dangerous precedent.

Set a Meeting

If conflict is occurring in the workplace it is a good idea to let the turmoil simmer before addressing the subject.  Don’t take too long, or it may fester.  Make sure to set up a meeting between the two parties and ensure there is a someone available to start the conversation that is not involved in the conflict.  The issue must be addressed and handled quickly and efficiently to ensure that the workplace is a safe space for workers.

It is Common

The important thing to remember is that workplace conflict is extremely common and will occur even with the best leaders.  Leaders need to be prepared to deal with conflict and resolve it effectively.  One of the keys with conflict is to not let it get you upset.  If you let conflict upset you, it can upset the entire workplace.

Team Building

People work in a variety of ways and there are a variety of personalities that work under one roof.  Team building exercises can get people to work together and learn the ways that people think.  Get people out of their comfort zones and get them working together.  The time they spend getting to know each other outside of work tasks can be invaluable.

Agree to Disagree

We all come from a variety of backgrounds and may not always see eye to eye.  However, we must agree to respect each other and work together in the best manner possible.  Try to find common ground and learn about areas where they are in agreement.


Create a plan that gets your employees on the same page.  Give them something to work towards and a common goal.  Employees that need to work together to achieve a common goal can be highly productive and work with even the most difficult individuals.  Highlight new goals and ensure that you are giving recognition to successes and people that are excelling at the new goals.  Create a team prize that the group can work hard for and ensure that the team gets rewarded throughout the process.  Once the goal is met there should be a huge celebration and team event.

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