The Floating Feather

Forrest Gump is one of those movies that I can watch over and over. When it’s playing on any random channel, I stop searching for something to watch, and land on it. As that feather floats into each scene and is then carried away, it is a perfect example of how we float into and out of each other’s lives. No matter how brief, don’t undermine the impact those brief encounters can have.

Before March 2017, I had never heard of Michael Hambrecht, a pilot for Survival Flight. Our paths had never crossed. Just like the feather that floated into Forrest Gump’s life, Michael floated into mine. I received the care I needed during the worst medical crisis of my life, exactly where and when I needed it, thanks to he and the medical crew for Survival Flight. Personally, I believe that God orchestrated that fateful meeting. Furthermore, I believe there was a reason for saving my life. Today, I see Michael as a friend, one to whom my family and I are eternally grateful.

When you go about your day, remember that you are like that feather. You are floating in and out of the lives of others. Be the person who makes a difference. Don’t forget the importance of your interaction with clients, family, co-workers and even the worker at Walmart. You are going to change the lives of the people you meet, just make sure the change if for good.

-Don Gregory, Director of HR for Myers-Davis Life Coaching

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Have you ever thought about how we float into and out of other's lives, like a feather? It's good for us to remember that we are like that feather.

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