Purposeful Life

Many of us struggle to determine what our purpose is in life.  Discovering your life purpose will impact and shape how you live.  The trick is learning how to find your passions, so you can be fulfilled, content, and happy.  Self-awareness can be difficult to achieve, but once you crack into what makes you tick the limits are boundless.  Below are some ways to start your journey of discovery.

Do What you Love – Think about things that you love to do.  Maybe it is to teach, coach, draw, play an instrument, or develop courses.  Now think about what comes easiest to you and what may be difficult for others.  When you realize what comes easy and what you enjoy, it doesn’t seem like work to perfect your trade.  Pinpoint what you excel at in life and devote your life to improving those skills.

Qualities – Think about the qualities that you would like to possess and show to the world.  If you enjoy spreading love, how can you achieve this with your talents? Maybe you can show the world love by empowering them to achieve goals of their own.  This may be achieved by counseling, teaching, or preaching.

Visualize the Future – Imagine where you would like to be eventually.  Then build a path that will help you get there.  Determine your end goal and make choices to slowly get to that goal. Don’t start off too ambitious, or you may set yourself up for failure.  Baby steps with tons of progress will keep you on your path to success.

Stay Focused – When you have determined your path and end goal, it is important to stay on track and remember to track your progress.  If you are going in a direction that doesn’t bring you joy, you may need to re-evaluate your direction.  Take time to evaluate where you are in life and if you are going in the right direction at the right pace.  Also, think about how your family life and finances are going as well.  All aspects of your life are important when determining your purpose.

Think of your Inner Dragons – Knowing the evil forces that may keep you from pursuing your purpose is very powerful.  Once you know what may hold you back, you will be able to fight and slay those dragons and move forward with your goals.  Nothing about living a purposeful life is going to be easy.  You will have to make tough decisions and develop the courage to surpass any goals you set for yourself.

Take Care of Yourself – If you are killing yourself to get to a certain point or to reach a certain goal, you may be going about things in the wrong manner.  If you are going to be an asset to others and fulfill your purpose, you have to take care of yourself and take some time for yourself.  There must be time for self-care and reflection to give yourself a break and time to contemplate your life.

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