Personal Development Skills

We all develop in our own time and at our own pace.  One thing is certain, that is that we will personally develop throughout our entire lives.  The development process is ongoing and is a process where people assess their skills and consider their goals and how best to achieve them in the future.

Why is Personal Development Important?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggests that all people have a built-in need for personal development.  The process of self-development is also termed self-actualization.   This hierarchy of needs is depicted as a pyramid.  The base of the pyramid is where physiological needs are found; including, food, water, sleep, activity, air, and sex.  The higher level involves safety, where people should feel safe and have a sense of security of health, money, routine, and work.  The level above that is the feeling of love and belonging, where people want to be part of a group or family unit.  The level above that is the need for esteem, where you feel competent with self-esteem and respect.  The next level above involves the need for cognition, where you have a desire for knowledge and understanding.  The next level is aesthetic needs, where there is a desire to belong to things of beauty and order.  The top level of the pyramid involves self-actualization, which is when you reach your full potential.

How do you Manage Personal Development?

Now that you understand the needs that we all have to personally develop; it is time to get a management plan in place.  The first step is to develop a personal vision that you can put into action. The second step is to plan your personal development on paper with step-by-step goals and deadlines.  The third step is to start the improvement process and find ways to self-improve.  The fourth step is to keep a personal record of your goals and successes as well as any setbacks.  The last step is to review and revise your plans as you go along.  Plans change and goals may change, so don’t beat yourself up about not hitting your quota for the year.  Life is a challenge and things will occur that may block your progress, but you just have to review and reassess.

Important Tips

Be intentional in everything you do.  Make sure you have a strong goal in mind and a passion towards your goal.  Challenge yourself when you set your goals.  Don’t make them so far out of reach that you can’t even get halfway there.  Take baby steps to get to your endpoint.  If you stick to the easy goals, you will never see how successful you could possibly be in the end.  Find a middle ground where your goals will stretch your personal development.  Remember that life is full of ups and downs and that you may not be on the warp speed path to your ultimate goal, but that’s okay as long as you are at least on a path to your goal.

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