Perfectly Pieced

This poem “Perfectly Pieced” is about how people with autism see the world in a special way, different from others, but still beautiful and important. It shows that being different doesn’t mean something is wrong—it’s just another way of being. The poem talks about how God made each person unique on purpose, and that we should accept and appreciate these differences instead of trying to change them. It’s a reminder to be kind, patient, and understanding, because everyone is part of God’s bigger plan, no matter how they think or feel.

Perfectly Pieced

My puzzle is different, don’t pull it apart,
Understanding is different, my world is an art.
I see things in colors that others might miss,
God’s hand in creation is wrapped in each twist.

A mind that’s not broken, just shaped by design,
Wired by heaven, a spark of the divine.
In silence, I speak, in patterns, I play,
God made me unique, and I’m proud of His way.

Where others see straight lines, I dance with the curves,
With patience and kindness, my spirit preserves.
The rhythm I move to, a beat of its own,
God’s grace is the compass that leads me back home.

So don’t try to change me or fit me in tight,
I shine in my difference, a beacon of light.
For God made me special, a work from His heart,
My puzzle is perfect, a beautiful part.

-JaShaun Kimble, 10/14/2024

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This poem "Perfectly Pieced" is about how people with autism see the world in a special way, different from others, but still beautiful and important.

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