Multi-tasking Tips

Life is full of daily tasks and they rarely occur at distinct intervals.  The tasks in your life will often occur at the same time and cause you to choose which task is more important.  This daily struggle of tasks can be hard to organize.  However, there are some tips that can get you started on the right track.

Be Realistic

Make sure to create a list of tasks that are actually achievable.  If you take on too much, you will overload yourself and end up failing at some of your tasks or performing at a sub-par level.  Separate your tasks into small pieces to help you from feeling defeated at the large tasks you haven’t completed.


Make sure you plan out your day and recognize how much time it will take to realistically complete a task.  If you are giving yourself too much and are lacking in time, you will be giving yourself undue stress.   Not having enough time to finish your work also leads to late deliveries and more problems.


One therapeutic thing to do for multi-taskers involves creating lists.  Writing a list gets all of your tasks in one place and allows you to organize them according to priority and time to complete.  Once you complete a task, you then have the ability to cross it off your list.  This creates a sense of closure and helps motivate you to complete more tasks.


Group like tasks when you are working and ensure that you are combining errands that make sense.  If you have a program that takes 20 minutes to run, you want to find a small project you can do in the run time.  Fill your gaps with other tasks and understand how the tasks will fit into your day.

Plan your Week

Plan your week out in advance and make a list of tasks in a day-by-day fashion.  This will help you to break up the tasks into manageable portions.  It also lets you prioritize importance and space out longer tasks from shorter tasks.

Steady Pace

Work at a steady pace and don’t push too hard or it can actually be counterproductive.  Working at a steady pace ensures you don’t miss anything and that you are doing the work to the best of your ability.

Avoid Distractions

When you are busy on a project it can be easy to get side-tracked.  If you are working on a project that is time-sensitive, let your co-workers know that you need some time and can’t be distracted.  Also, put your phone to the side and try to ignore what you can to make it through the day.  Try to limit the number of times you check your email and truly try and focus on the task.


Reward yourself when you get done with a portion of your project.  Maybe take a bathroom break or a coffee break as a reward.  Get up and move around and then come back and start on the next task, which will leave you feeling refreshed.  If you go too long between breaks, you will lose the ability to keep a clear and sharp mind on the task at hand.

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