Just Say “No” to Resolutions

Most of us have many experiences with setting New Year’s Resolutions and by mid-January, if that long, we’ve already broken our diets, abandoned our new workout routine, and spent money we planned to set aside for something special. Resolutions rarely work, so why do we keep making them year after year?

We can look around and see that for some people, real change can happen. So, what’s different about them; how can they make things stick? I’m not a life coach or an expert on this by any means, but maybe one of the reasons resolutions rarely work is that the insightful self-check never happened. It’s easy to look at others and figure out what they need to change, but putting ourselves under a magnifying glass is more painful. Perhaps instead of a New Years resolution, we should do a life audit.

What if you checked in once a week to ask yourself how do I feel I’m doing in my relationships? If I saw myself as a potential date, would I swipe right or left? Am I the kind of dad or mom that I want my kids to emulate when they have kids of their own? Or am I the kind of grandparent who will leave a legacy of kindness and generosity? As an employee, do people enjoy working with me; do clients, families, and students you serve see you in a positive light? As a manager, do I inspire the people I lead, or do I frustrate them?

If you answered “excellent” to every question, now might be the time to do a reality check. No matter how great you are, you’re not perfect.  Once you’ve gotten to the point of honesty, name just one thing you could do to make yourself better in each department and do that one thing every day. It could be as simple as saying, “good morning,” or “thank you for your help”. The real key is not sweeping change but moving one step at a time in the right direction.

Have a great day and thank you for all you do!  See how easy that was? 

-Don Gregory, Director of HR for Myers-Davis

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Even though so many of us never accomplish our New Year's resolutions, why do we keep setting them? Maybe it's time for a life audit instead.

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