Interview Tips for Internal Promotions

Hiring and promoting from within is always more efficient than hiring someone from the outside.  Internal employees know the ins and outs of the business and understand the different personality types they will be working with.  Each time a new person is hired, you are spending time training them on internal policy and procedures, which also takes another employee away from their work.  This is why internal promotions or transfers can be a great way to fill a position within a business.

Research the Role

Just as you would do for any job, research what you will need to do in that position and determine if you are a good fit for that role.  Study the criteria for the position and have a clear response for why you are a great candidate for each component listed in the job announcement.

Know your Company

You already know the company you work for and you already know what they do, but refresh yourself on the mission and values of your organization.  Make sure you touch on this information in your interview.

Know your Field

Let them know you are up on current events and that you are prepared to move the division forward by staying abreast of new technologies and procedures.

Mention Recent Events

Discuss new accounts or large grants that may affect future goals and programs.  Let them know you are staying aware of the business and all of the components that make it great and even things that are not so great that need to be worked on.

Learn About the Committee

The hiring committee is likely to be made of individuals you already know.  Understand what their expectations are and what you would be stepping into.  You should also speak with people about the role and let them know your interest.

Build a Brag Book

Compile a list of your achievements and don’t assume that they know everything you are apart of at your agency.  Discuss awards, kudos, and get some recommendations from people you have worked with or customers you have helped along the way.  This will showcase your talents and skills and show proof that you have done a good job thus far.

Tell your Boss

In most businesses, great employees are not ones that managers want to lose.  Your direct supervisor may not be thrilled about your departure, but it is important to let them know you are interested in the position and need their support.  Most bosses realize they won’t have great employees forever and that they may move up the ladder, but hiding things may cause irritation that you won’t want to face in a working relationship.

Be Patient

Once the interview is complete, ask them when you can expect them to make a decision.  Don’t bother them or ask questions until after the date they mentioned in the interview. Nobody likes a pest, especially if you didn’t get the position and they feel awkward with your questioning.

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