Happy Marriage Tips

Marriage starts off as an exciting event with friends and family, but shortly after you realize that marriage takes a lot of work.  Happily ever after is not a given in a marriage and you must put in the work to receive a happy marriage. 


Couples argue in most normal marriages.  Understanding the reasoning behind the arguments and finding ways to compromise are the best ways to overcome arguments.  Arguing does not mean you are in an unhappy marriage; it means you are in a normal marriage and that sometimes people have differences.

Focus on Strengths

Each person in the marriage has their own strengths and weaknesses.  The key is to focus on the strengths of the marriage to ensure that the marriage is on a successful track.  If you are great with numbers and math, you should be the financial decision-maker in the family.  If you are the organized part of the couple, you should do all scheduling and planning for the family.


As you enter in a marriage, make sure that you are with someone who complements you in life.  You don’t want to be with a partner that you are competing with or that brings you down.  If you rely on your spouse to fulfill yourself, you will become over-dependent and this can lead to not growing as an individual.  Make sure you are nurturing your own needs and interests and not doing things just because your spouse wants you to do so.

Do Things Together

Although you may have different interests and hobbies, it is still a great idea to do some things together.  Find a hobby that you both enjoy and jump in.  Learn a new skill together to share a bond.  Couples should work together and they should also try and have fun together.

Choose Attraction

Make sure you stay attracted to your spouse.  This is actually a choice you make throughout your marriage.  Focus on a certain attribute that you love about your partner and visualize that when you think of your spouse to ensure you keep the attraction alive.  A sense of a connection is necessary for a happy marriage.


Life is tough and finding a way to inject laughter into your life is necessary for a happy marriage.  Humor in your marriage is one way to get through the tough parts.  You should have a natural ease with your partner and be able to express joy through inside jokes and laughter.

Be Kind

Make sure that you are always kind to your partner.  Being critical and judgmental of your spouse is not the way to create a happy marriage.  Do not attack your partner’s behavior, flaws, or looks when you are upset or irritated.  You are supposed to be their biggest supporter and confidante.


Being with your spouse for a long time can cause you to take them for granted.  Verbally show your appreciation every day.  Let them know that you love them and all they do for you each day.

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