Finding the Right Job

When looking for the perfect job for you, it is imperative that you look at all the aspects of your new career.  Don’t jump at the first opportunity you receive, because it may not be the best fit.  You should also not select the highest paying opportunity, as it may not be the best fit for you personally.   Weigh all the options and take the time to consider which job is the best for you.

Location – Even though the big cities may seem exciting and enticing, they can also be expensive to live in and work.  If the position you are looking for has a smaller branch in a smaller city, this may be the wisest decision for you and your career and finances.  These smaller cities will help your paycheck last a lot longer.  They may also help in the corporate ladder climb, compared to larger cities with higher competition.

Opportunities to Advance – Consider what path you may take in the next decade and what will be available to you with your education and experience.  No one wants a dead-end job where there is no room for advancement.  Ask your interviewer what it takes to get to the next level and see the probability that you will promote in the future.  Ask about training development programs and the investment that the company makes in their employees to ensure they want to stay and not move on to move up.

Benefits – Ask about the compensation you will be given and the benefits provided to you by the company.  Most individuals who first break into the working world are not thinking about retirement, which is almost 30% of your total compensation over time.  You want to know about medical and dental benefits.  Then you need to look into 401(k) savings and retirement matches from your employer.  Then think about the other non-financial benefits the company has.  Look at the work hours, flex-time, weekends off, vacation days, sick days, and even tuition reimbursement.

Commute – Think about the commute you will have to make to get to work.  The average commute is 25 minutes and you must consider the fluctuating gas prices.  Consider the stress in the driving route as well, since a 20-minute bumper-to-bumper drive may be more taxing than a 35-minute smooth-sailing drive.  Also, calculate any tolls or parking costs that may be incurred.

Work Environment – When you interview for a job, you are interviewing to spend up to a third of your waking hours with this company.  Just as you interview a potential mate, you must look at the office culture and ensure that the company is the right fit for you and that you are a correct fit for them.  Speak to other employees that work there, outside of the formal interview to get the low-down on the workplace and what you should really expect.  Consider the company’s style and size and ask yourself if they have a culture you can relate to as an employee.

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