Benefits of Spontaneity

Spontaneous people are very rarely bored people.  Spontaneous people are always on the go and ready for the next adventure.  This type of personality trait can be extremely beneficial. 

Stay Fresh 

Even in the most mundane job where there is little room for variety, a spontaneous person will find a simple way to spice things up.  They will pick a new pandora station to listen to for the day or pick a new and different place for lunch.  They will be the first to volunteer for something new to do and will be willing to check out all of the new events and locations in their area. 


Spontaneous people are ready to do something without a moment’s notice.  Many people will turn down a happy hour or last-minute event, but being spontaneous means, you are more than willing to jump right in.  Plans changing are also not an issue because they are more than willing to find a new plan to embrace.  Spontaneous people don’t feel tied down to any plan, they are always up for a different option.  Their “go with the flow” attitude is what helps them avoid any conflict or confrontation. 


Those who are spontaneous often have plenty of freedom for creativity.  They are not stuck in boundaries and concepts of time; they work when the creativity hits them and they may just work late in to the night. 

Less Stress 

The stress is often not felt by those who understand that life goes on, regardless of the scenario.  There instinct is to play it by ear and they often don’t have issues with situations that arise.  They can shake things up and relieve stress by finding things to do to dissipate the stress. 


Those that are spontaneous tend to be more flexible and relaxed and ultimately happier with their lives.  They can look at every situation and pull the good from it to put a positive spin on things.  This positive outlook helps us all press on towards the next big thing. 

Micro Moments 

There are often times you can inject a little spontaneity into your life.  When you get inundated with tasks, consider taking a micro moment to do anything you want in that moment.  Maybe you take a stroll through the park or decide to stop for an ice cream cone.  Whatever it is, do it and don’t allow any time for planning. 

Aimless Journeys 

Get in the car and take a trip to nowhere in particular.  Fill your gas tank and see where it gets you and stop along the way to enjoy all your road trip has to offer.  Don’t plan it and turn your GPS off, just relax, enjoy, and drive. 


Spontaneous people are often better at forming bonds with people and getting them to open up.   This quality can help with engaging with all types of people and creating lasting relationships.  Relationships are what create the true beauty and joy in life. 

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