Emotional Intelligence
A newer concept, discovered in the mid 1990’s is termed emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our emotions and by doing so create a successful
Stop Being A People Pleaser!
Have people ever told you that one of the reasons they love you so much is because “you put other’s needs before your own”? While this can feel nice to
Confidence in the Workplace
Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s own abilities. Having this ability to be confident is not something you are born with. Some seem to have the ability
Tips on Raising an Athlete
Your children are an investment and you should pour into them as much as you possibly can. Money can only buy so much when it comes to your little athlete.
How to Raise a Well-Rounded Child
Obviously, we all want our children to grow up and become successful adults. We also want them to stay out of trouble and be kind human beings. This is often
Top Tips for Studying
Now that school is back in session, studying is about to become a necessity. Some of us are already out of school, but we may need to study for a
Learning Good Study Habits
Studying habits are learned and can always be perfected. It is necessary to have a system to help you do your best and use your time wisely. All of us
Vaccines and your Health
Those that grew up in the 1900’s, were not as privileged as our generation with the vaccinations we now have. A vaccination can keep entire populations from obtaining disease that
How to Emotionally Prepare for a Quarantine
When the world began quarantine in 2020, it was something surreal that has not happened in most people’s lifetime. Many preppers that were preparing for an apocalypse were ready with
Vitamin D and your Health
Vitamin D is a very necessary component of life. Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, but a prohormone or precursor to a hormone. Vitamins cannot be made by the
How to Improve Digestive Health
Our digestive system does more than just break up food and give our bodies the nutrients and energy it needs. It is also responsible for keeping the rest of our
8 Ways to Be More Organized in 2022
The new year is coming up, and that means many new year resolutions. For a lot of people, getting organized is on that list. Getting and staying organized is an