
New Year = New Engagement: A Blog on Aktion Club
Brianna has had a long-time dream of purposeful membership. Read on to see her accomplishing her dream by becoming President of the local Aktion Club.

Just Say “No” to Resolutions
Even though so many of us never accomplish our New Year’s resolutions, why do we keep setting them? Maybe it’s time for a life audit instead.

Embracing Your True Self: A Blog on Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt like you were not qualified to be where you are in life because of your quirks of the past that still linger? Let’s explore that.

Perfectly Pieced
This poem “Perfectly Pieced” is about how people with autism see the world in a special way, different from others, but still beautiful and important.

The Floating Feather
Have you ever thought about how we float into and out of other’s lives, like a feather? It’s good for us to remember that we are like that feather.

The Golden Rule
At the end of the day, what your puzzle of life looks like depends on your experiences with others and how you’ve handled those experiences.

A Personal Perspective on Disability Diagnoses
Join Brianna “Bri” Morgan as she dives deeper and gives a personal perspective of her disability and mental health diagnoses along with the resulting impact.

7 Tricks for ADHD to Increase Productivity
At this rate “Dealing with XYZ at Work” may become a recurring way for me to talk through my own barriers to productivity and mental health blocks at work.

Combatting the Winter Blues
Late January. The middle of Winter. We know the feeling of having the winter blues, especially at work. Here are 7 things you can do to help combat the blues.

Taking the Time
We need to carve out time for praying, loving, laughing, etc. This is a reminder that experiencing the joys of life can happen if we just take the time.

Understanding Cultural Differences
When working in business, you will meet quite a few different people that may come from a variety of different countries. This can be exciting and challenging at the same

Getting Along with Difficult People
There is not a job in the world where you won’t encounter a difficult person. People come in all shapes and sizes and most importantly, personalities. Some personalities work well