Where’s the Emote Control?

Controlling our emotions is a key aspect of Emotional Intelligence and can lead to healthier relationships and improved mental well-being as well. When it comes to feelings, bias, and preferences, you, more than anyone else, should know “how you are,” but some don’t…and so they’re apt to quickly give vent to fear, anger, or hate and lose complete control. There are effective ways to manage your emotions.

     The first step is to recognize an emotion as it starts to arise, to identify what you’re feeling, and why. This helps prevent impulsive reactions and offers time to reflect before a too-hasty, bad response. Mindfulness techniques, like focusing on your breathing to help you relax and calm any tension – thus, observing your thoughts, without immediate judgment, to help you stay grounded.  Doing this offers you time to reframe negative or distressing thoughts by looking for alternative, positive perspectives,

     If circumstances allow, physical activity (walking/running/exercise) can be an effective tool for emotional regulation: releasing endorphins, elevating mood, and helping to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and anger. Or, on the other hand, if overwhelmed, take a break. Stepping away from a situation, even briefly, allows you to regain control before responding. Finally, try developing emotional resilience by building other healthy coping mechanisms such as journaling, talking to a trusted friend (to God!), or engaging in creative activities. These strategies, when practiced (even imagined), can help create a more balanced emotional life.

“All you saints! Sing your hearts out to GOD! Thank him! We anger Him once in a while, but across a lifetime there is only love. The nights of crying your eyes out will give way to days of laughter.”     (Psalm 30:4–5, MSG) 

-John Driggers, Spiritual Advisor for Myers-Davis (3/24/2025, V7#12)

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