New Year = New Engagement: A Blog on Aktion Club

Hi, I’m Brianna “Bri” Morgan. Not only an employee at Myers-Davis Life Coaching in Batesville, I’m also currently a President for a club ran by Kiwanis International called “Aktion Club”. This is a club only for adults with disabilities, and the only club for those in the disability community.  The story behind how and why I’m involved with this Kiwanis club is really interesting, and I’ll also be explaining how me and my members will be making an impact in our local communities. 

Part One: How it Began & the Outcome

Sometime back in late 2024 (late October if I remember correctly), I was having some flashbacks at work about things I wish I could’ve done in school when I was at work one day.  I had these thoughts of “I wish I would’ve been diagnosed with the disabilities that I’ve had all my life at a younger age rather than being 13 – 14 years old and being clueless and thinking I’m some strange being from another planet.”… and funnily enough, I was also thinking about something along the lines of, “I wish I would’ve been someone who went to a club or few, but I didn’t because I knew I was never good enough for those clubs and members.”… yes, those are real thoughts too (pretty heartbreaking, I know). 

If I also remember correctly, I was working on something during work as I had these thoughts… the next thing I know, my co-worker Alex approached me and asked me an interesting question. It was something like, “Would you like to join Aktion Club?”. I looked at her somewhat confused and said, “Uhh… what EXACTLY is Aktion Club?  Who’s the head of this club??” and she says something along the lines of, “This is a club by Kiwanis.”  I nodded my head and internally I was thinking, “What in the…? Is she reading my mind?!”. Anyways, as she explained all the details and the qualities she sees in me.  At the time, I was so surprised that anyone had approached me about being President of a club… EVER!  So, I looked at Alex and said, “I’ll think this through, and I’ll let you know my thoughts another day.” (SPOILER ALERT… I SAID YES). 

Flash forward a week or two later, me and some others went to “take Aktion” with cleanup for Chubby Menard Pancake Day (sometime in October), also that was interesting and I got to meet some people who also are helping hands with Kiwanis… it was an interesting experience.  Another week goes by If I’m not mistaken, and I went with Alex along with a couple of other people to a Kiwanis meeting, getting food ready and listening to a Kiwanian speaking.  I got in the spotlight (if you will) and got introduced as Aktion Club President for Batesville and for the North–Central Region of Arkansas (BIG ACHIEVEMENTS)… that was awkward at the time, but such amazing things to know! 

The next thing I know, December comes along, and a very special event called a “Charter Event”, which is also a big deal… that also means that I was encouraged to write a speech (I dreaded this), and so I wrote one earlier that day and I really liked how it turned out.  A few hours later, the event was slowly getting set up, along with the equipment.  I don’t remember how large our audience was, but… HOLY SMOKES IT WAS NERVE-RACKING!  The things that went on before I had to do my part were the following: officiating my members, Aktion Club Banner, receiving my Gavel to officiate meetings, and a couple other things if I’m not mistaken.  The next thing I know… it was my time to speak in front of people… to my surprise, it went so amazing to the point where I got a standing ovation (makes me tear up just thinking about it every now and then), and my speech covered some of my story along with my dream of belonging in a club, disability inclusivity and thanking everyone involved…. Lord, It was the most beautiful thing I’ve done to finish off 2024. 

Here is a short clip of that nerve-racking speech:

One last time of flashing forward, I promise.  January 2025 comes along, and I was able to officiate meetings!  As stated in October’s part, we got food and refreshments prepared for the first meeting of the year, and I wasn’t as anxious this time knowing what I need to do, but I needed guidance, and that was provided by our current Batesville Kiwanis Club President named Martha… I will admit, there was A LOT to cover, but the meeting went pretty well! 

Part Two: Plans for 2025

Now, let’s talk about all the cool ideas all across the board!  When this blog was written, there’s a chance that Kiwanis Doc Stalker Rib Day already happened, which is basically where we have someone who specializes in cooking racks of Ribs, and we (Kiwanis Members & Kiwanis Aktion Club) were selling tickets for $25.00 per Rib Rack, and the money goes to children in need (isn’t that wonderful?).  In February, we’re also planning on giving Valentines to folks in a Nursing Home because they need some uplifting and love too.  We’re also considering on making soups or some kind of food and serving it for folks at places like “Our Father’s Table” and I don’t remember the other places we named, but we’re considering on doing that here soon, but I don’t know if it’ll be in February or March. 

Sometime during the Spring or Summer, we intend on doing the following things (not in an exact order): Cornhole/Beanbag Tournament, working with Humane Society, intend on going Bowling, intend on going to the Community Center, meeting up with Aktion Club in Pocahontas (located in North–East AR if I’m not mistaken), and a final idea is that we intend on doing a Karaoke session of some sorts (I don’t remember where we plan on doing this).  Just to clarify, there is always room for more ideas, and many more events will be coming soon.  We are all excited to begin this chapter. 

Aktion Club’s Motto: “Aktion Club, where development has no disability.” 

Remember… your disabilities do not define you, nor does society… only you do. 

Brianna “Bri” Morgan, Office Assistant for Myers-Davis & Aktion Club President for North Central Arkansas Charter (February 4th, 2025)

Want More Inspirational Reading?

Brianna has had a long-time dream of purposeful membership. Read on to see her accomplishing her dream by becoming President of the local Aktion Club.

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