What’s Your C.Q.?

     Did you ever want to just “run-away” – even if it was only to your room to sprawl across your bed and bawl? Have you ever got so upset that it caused you to want to hit someone? Have you have ever frightened yourself so much that you wetted yourself? Ever confronted by such a terrible odor that made you feel like throwing up? Isn’t it strangely fascinating how our emotions may affect our feelings and vice versa? So, what’s your Coping Quotient?

     Coping with life’s demands in today’s world can be a formidable challenge for most; thus, we are all destined to experience frustration in due time. What you and I do – and each of us will do something – when faced with difficulties, failures, and disappointments may be referred to as an “adjustment.” Because we’re not born knowing what to do, where are we to learn how to make intelligent adjustments to this onslaught of problems and difficulties?  Shall we just sit and worry about it? Worry is due to prolonged frustrations, doubt, conflict, and chronic anxiety rooted in fear. Who needs that?

        “We learn to adjust to trouble with worry…Worry is a habit – a bad habit – a perverted use of the brain.  Every day will bring you some trying, perplexing problems.  But in moments of care and anxiety, let your mind automatically bring forth this bit of wisdom: ‘This too shall pass.’”  -Murray Banks

     We owe some ways of adjustment to our parents and other adults. As the wisdom of age puts it: “The best break a child gets in life is when he or she gets great parents.” And of course, the very best resource is God and His inspired Word, the Bible.       

        “[Learn] the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn. 8:32)                  

        “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 Jn. 4:18, NIV)

-John Driggers (5/27/24, V6 #22)

Coping with life’s demands in today’s world is a challenge for most; we are all destined to feel frustrated. What you do to cope has a big impact on your life.

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